What’s Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dish?

Nov 22, 2023

Hi, I'm Jennifer!

A leading celebrity aesthetician, business trailblazer, serial entrepreneur, coach, and a mom.


It’s almost that time of year again!

Everyone gathered around the table, the clinking of silverware hitting against plates, the sound of laughter filling the air. 

Holidays are some of the most memorable times of the year. Time spent with family and friends amongst great food make for a special event to look forward to every year!

Thanksgiving is one of my personal favorite holidays. The creative yet traditional dishes served every year never seem to disappoint. 

From stuffing to green bean casserole, to a tasty cranberry dish, there are so many unique dishes to choose from on Thanksgiving!

I know for my family, we always have a specific dish that we only serve for Thanksgiving!

Can you guess what it might be? 

If you guessed sweet potato casserole, you are absolutely right!

This is a Thanksgiving staple in my household! You can guarantee that each and every one of my family members will have more than one serving of this delicious dish!

If you’ve never had the opportunity to try this recipe, I highly recommend it! Don’t let the marshmallows throw you off, this side dish will blow your mind!

Curious what magical ingredients make up this tasty treat? 

It’s actually a pretty simple recipe!

All you need is sweet potatoes, brown sugar, marshmallows, butter, salt, vanilla extract, chopped pecans, and a little cooking spray!

After throwing this mad concoction into the oven for about 25 minutes, your mouth is sure to water. 

The lightly toasted pecans wrapped against the heavenly toasted marshmallows encased in sweet potato goodness! Who wouldn’t want to have this dish for Thanksgiving?!

Is there a special recipe that your family insists on having each year? Perhaps it’s not a traditional dish you’d see on a typical Thanksgiving. 

I’d love to hear your recipes!! 

If you’re interested in adding to your collection of recipes, I have more than plenty that I would love to share with you! These recipes are not only delicious, but they are also healthy and will help you create a great relationship with food!

Feel free to sign up for my program on my website to get access to all of these amazing recipes!

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