Enjoy Holiday Meals Without Overindulging

Nov 25, 2023

Hi, I'm Jennifer!

A leading celebrity aesthetician, business trailblazer, serial entrepreneur, coach, and a mom.


The holiday season is synonymous with delicious feasts and treats, making it tempting to overindulge. However, you don’t have to compromise your health and hard-earned progress during this festive time.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective strategies to help you manage your eating over the holidays while still enjoying the flavors of the season.

  1. Don’t Arrive Hungry.
    One common mistake is arriving at holiday gatherings with an empty stomach, thinking you’ll save room for the feast. However, this can lead to overeating. Instead, have a small meal or snack before the event. Opt for something with fiber or protein to curb your appetite and prevent excessive consumption.

  2. Choose Smaller Plates.
    If you have the option, go for a smaller-sized plate. Research suggests that using smaller plates can trick your brain into thinking you’re eating more because your plate appears full. This simple trick can help you eat less without feeling deprived.

  3. Be Mindful of Beverages.
    Holiday gatherings often feature sugary drinks that can add empty calories to your meal. Opt for low-calorie alternatives like carbonated water with a splash of juice or flavoring. Staying hydrated with water can also help control your appetite and prevent overindulgence.

  4. Moderation with Treats.
    It’s undeniable that holidays bring an array of tempting treats. While it’s okay to indulge occasionally, practice moderation. Don’t overload your plate with too many sweets. Savor small portions of your favorite treats to satisfy your cravings without derailing your progress.

  5. Start Small and Simple.
    When you begin your holiday meal, opt for a small plate filled with veggies, fruits, and lean proteins. This initial course will help fill you up with nutritious options, making you less likely to overindulge in the main dishes. Allow a few minutes for your body to register the food before reaching for seconds.

  6. Join a Health Program.
    If you’re looking for healthy recipes and guidance to navigate the holiday season, consider joining a program led by a certified health coach. They can provide you with valuable knowledge, support, and delicious, nutritious recipes to incorporate into your holiday table.

The holidays are a time to celebrate and enjoy delicious food with loved ones. With these tips, you can savor the flavors of the season without compromising your health and progress.

Remember that balance and moderation are key to maintaining your well-being during this festive time.

Don’t let the holidays derail your hard-earned achievements. Join our program to receive the support and resources you need to stay on track and make the most of this special time of year. Say hello to a healthier holiday season!

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